New Custom Interaction features!

Hi everyone! We’re putting some finishing touches on some extremely powerful new Hatch features that can be used to add custom interactions, functional behaviors, and well, pretty much any kind of smarts or logic to your projects.

We call them “Interactions” and you can add them to any element of your project. Use them to respond to clicks, hovers, page loading, collisions and scrolling and to take advantage of advanced web capabilities like speech synthesis, device location, and fetching data from servers.

Interactions have no limits because they are built with JavaScript. You can write it yourself if you’re into that kind of thing or have our new AI write it for you!

To start you off we have a fun customizable Family Photos project that shows some of what Interactions can do. Learn how to make interactions step-by-step with the Interactions 101 walk-through. It sits alongside all of the Hatch API documentation at Adding Interactivity - Hatch.

Much more to come, we’re just getting started!

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